
re-sewing around the garden

26 OCTOBER 2012
Now—please do not read this as some kind of lurid green “treatment” that someone from the suburbs, goes through in order to display a competitive conformity, amongst the rest of The developed (good title for an eco-horror film, no?)  No, this is just me removing some of the more scruffed, scorched, and crabby stuff that had really made progress over the last year.  I went with the farmer’s almanac’s recommendation to plant grass around September for minimum competition from spring weeds, and so far the annual fescue, which is a fast-emerging temporary cover, has sprouted strongly.  The Kentucky bluegrass (perennial) seems to be not far behind.

Fun fact: the word for “blade of grass” in Polish is “źdźbło trawy.” Mega points if you are reading this and can pronounce that.

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